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British Cruise Ship Brawl

Furious brawl on board cruise ship as plates and furniture used as weapons

A court heard how a confrontation over swearing quickly turned into a physical fight

A man and woman arrested over a mass brawl which broke out on a British cruise ship have been released

Plates and furniture have been used as weapons in a mass brawl that broke on a P&O Cruises ship.

A total of eight people were injured in the disturbance, which took place in front of shocked passengers on board the Ventura.

Prosecutor Sarah Dale told the court a confrontation between two groups over the use of “offensive language” had turned into “large-scale disorder”.

She added that witnesses reported seeing plates, chairs and tables being wielded as weapons.

The fight happened after two groups of passengers became involved in a row on a sun deck. They moved into the ship's atrium, where furniture and plates were thrown.

The ship was on a 14-night Caribbean cruise when the incident happened in January. The ship was carrying 3,600 passengers and crew.

Victims suffered cuts and bruises, with one sustaining a broken nose and another a serious eye injury. The ship diverted to the Canary Islands where eight Britons were arrested.

A man and a woman appeared at Poole Magistrates' Court in Dorset charged with violent disorder. They were released on bail until August 28.
